Local Content Policy
As a company PSV is fully committed to Local Content policy and will ensure active participation in the realization of the policy.For PSV Limited, Local Content is about maximizing the use of country personnel and sub-contractors in the company projects, thus assisting to develop indigenous technical capability and indigenous service providers and suppliers (manufacturers and fabricators), to enable them attain excellence.
PSV has made extensive investment to train and develop our local employees in various roles, and they have evolved with specialist skill sets to match global industry standards.
PSV is fully committed to capacity development of local Nationals among it s workforce. The intent of this policy is to document Managements position which will be shared to all staff – technical and administrative.
The company considers Nigerian content an important feature of all it s activitie s – projects, production and shipping. In line with this, PSV Nig Ltd will implement the requirements of this plan in all projects and will document same in all technical tenders for bids.
For PSV, Local Content is about maximizing the use of Local personnel and Local sub-contractors in the company projects, thus assisting to develop indigenous’s technical capability and indigenous service providers and suppliers (manufacturers and fabricators), to enable them attain excellence.
Through this means, we encourage the development of Local Nationals and developing projects with significant local content, engendering technology transfer and development. It is also hoped that this will induce a spate of technical skills / growth and spur economic growth. At PSV, we develop, track and report metrics on the Local Content Progression and Local Content involvement in all our projects and operations on a yearly basis.
We strive for a full 100% Local employment in the technical and management areas of our business. While doing all these, PSV strives to maintain international standards on Quality, Cost, Schedule and Health, Safety and Environment, (HSE). Our activities are carried out within the larger framework of the PSV policy on Corporate Social Responsibility and HSE Excellence. The driving term here, therefore, remains sustainability. At PSV, we continue to focus on delivering international quality services levels without compromising Health, Safety & Environmental standards using processes and procedures in line with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards.
Our approach consists of:
- a long-term commitment to the promotion of Local Content, mainly in terms of local employment and the use of local suppliers.
- long-term investments towards the socio-economic development of the area, in accordance and conjunction with local stakeholders.
- the involvement of local communities, directly initiated by PSV through a structured and enduring system and approach.