Our tank cleaning services are as follows:
Our procedure in carrying out Desludging and Cleaning of Hydrocarbon Tanks is as follows:
- Removal of bottom sludge from the tank
- Crude oil sludge
- Oil sludge treatment
- Tank washing
Our procedure in carrying out Desludging and Cleaning of Hydrocarbon Tanks is as follows:
We will carry out Pre-Mobilization inspection of the tank or vessel that requires desludging and cleaning. Mobilize to site all personnel workforce, equipment, materials and consumable necessary to execute the work without interruption to the project. We shall provide all Job Procedures and Job Safety Analysis (JSA) for the service, including but not limited to: Desludging (Sludge and solids evacuation), Cleaning, Handling, transportation and disposal of sludge and other hazardous (or environmentally unsafe) waste. Work shall only commence when all required procedures are reviewed and approved.
Crude Evacuation from Tanks
Where there is reasonable amount of crude still left in the tank to be evacuated, we shall: provide functional vacuum truck, transfer pumps and adequate length of hoses to safely transfer the crude from the tank to a designated vessel or tank. We shall also provide competent and experienced personnel that shall man and operate the vacuum truck and other equipment required for the crude transfer.
Where there is reasonable amount of crude still left in the tank to be evacuated, we shall: provide functional vacuum truck, transfer pumps and adequate length of hoses to safely transfer the crude from the tank to a designated vessel or tank. We shall also provide competent and experienced personnel that shall man and operate the vacuum truck and other equipment required for the crude transfer.
Tank Cleaning
On successful completion of desludging, the tanks shall be cleaned, internally only, to remove any residual oils, wax and all other waste products prior to remedial works of welding, fitting, blasting and painting.
On successful completion of desludging, the tanks shall be cleaned, internally only, to remove any residual oils, wax and all other waste products prior to remedial works of welding, fitting, blasting and painting.
Preliminary Work
On Completion of Mobilization, we shall carry out, Lockout/Tag out of all associated valves to the tank system, confirm the floating roof is resting on its support, and obtain relevant Permit to Work including cold work, Hot work and Confined Space entry permit.
On Completion of Mobilization, we shall carry out, Lockout/Tag out of all associated valves to the tank system, confirm the floating roof is resting on its support, and obtain relevant Permit to Work including cold work, Hot work and Confined Space entry permit.
Crude Evacuation from Tanks
Where there are solids in the tank that cannot be dislodged by automatic tank desludging and cleaning process, the solids shall be evacuated manually into skips or other approved waste management containers for onward transfer to disposal plant. Where contaminated soil is excavated for evacuation and disposal, we shall backfill excavated portion with similar soil base materials.
Where there are solids in the tank that cannot be dislodged by automatic tank desludging and cleaning process, the solids shall be evacuated manually into skips or other approved waste management containers for onward transfer to disposal plant. Where contaminated soil is excavated for evacuation and disposal, we shall backfill excavated portion with similar soil base materials.
Sludge Evacuation
Evacuate sludge, debris and all other solids from tanks into skips and transportationtrucks, positioned near to the entrance to the tanks for transportation to incineration site. All sludge, debris and solids removed shall be weighed and a document of Duty of Care issued for onward transportation to incineration site. We shall adhere strictly to all safety procedures to ensure the desludging and cleaning of the tank is carried out in a safe and friendly manner All work shall be executed with reference to the Waste Management Manual or any recent recommended techniques accepted by international standards.
Evacuate sludge, debris and all other solids from tanks into skips and transportationtrucks, positioned near to the entrance to the tanks for transportation to incineration site. All sludge, debris and solids removed shall be weighed and a document of Duty of Care issued for onward transportation to incineration site. We shall adhere strictly to all safety procedures to ensure the desludging and cleaning of the tank is carried out in a safe and friendly manner All work shall be executed with reference to the Waste Management Manual or any recent recommended techniques accepted by international standards.
All sludge and solids recovered shall be transported by certified road trucks. All sludge and solids removed shall be weighed and a document of Duty of Care issued for onward transportation to incineration site.
All sludge and solids recovered shall be transported by certified road trucks. All sludge and solids removed shall be weighed and a document of Duty of Care issued for onward transportation to incineration site.
Disposal of Waste
We shall provide a disposal procedure duly reviewed by Environmental Group. We shall issue certificates of Incineration/Disposal on the safe disposal of waste/sludge on the total quantity of sludge / waste disposed / incinerated.
We shall provide a disposal procedure duly reviewed by Environmental Group. We shall issue certificates of Incineration/Disposal on the safe disposal of waste/sludge on the total quantity of sludge / waste disposed / incinerated.
We shall put back in service all disconnected piping and accessories during the Mobilization phase. There shall be no sign of sludge and solids around the tank surroundings. Site must be returned to its original condition.
We shall put back in service all disconnected piping and accessories during the Mobilization phase. There shall be no sign of sludge and solids around the tank surroundings. Site must be returned to its original condition.